Privacy policy.

Statement of Confinement

We respect the privacy of all individuals who visit our website and salons and are committed to the responsible and appropriate handling of all personal information. The Privacy Policy outlines how we collect and handle your personal information, the type of personal data we collect, how the information is used, with whom we share it and your rights regarding our use of this information. 

The Privacy Policy applies to the services offered by all salons operating under the Aesthetics By Design Perth banner.

Collecting personal information

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, personal information may refer to some or all of the following; a client’s name, contact details including address, phone number and email, date of birth, emergency contact details, credit card information, purchasing and payment history, treatment history, health conditions, before and after photographs and other sensitive information such as medications or allergies that need to be considered to avoid contraindications to ensure your health and well being.

Your personal information is only collected when it is reasonably necessary to do so and is generally obtained by information provided by you on our client information and treatment forms, and/or through promotions, competitions and consumer queries. Aesthetics By Design Perth will not collect or monitor any personal information about an individual without their consent, the only information collected is what is provided voluntarily by a client or a prospective client. Health information will not be collected without consent.

The primary purpose of collecting personal information is to enable us to provide clients with our services. Aesthetics By Design Perth may also use the information for direct marketing to you, or for any other purpose permitted under the Privacy Act 1988. Where it is lawful and practicable, customers may transact some business with us without providing personal information or by providing information under a pseudonym. You are not obligated to provide personal information however failure to do so may result in Aesthetics By Design Perth being unable to provide services or products to you. 

Aesthetics By Design Perth will take reasonable steps to amend or correct your personal information where it is not accurate or up to date, or delete your personal information if requested by you (excluding any personal information that we are required by law to retain). 

Personal information is collected so that we can;

  • Understand your requirements and provide you with the appropriate product or service by assessing, diagnosing and treating a patient's presenting issue or concern.

  • Monitor the progress of our treatments to you and to tailor the services to best suit your needs.

  • Gather and aggregate data for reporting, analytics and research purposes to assist us in the way we develop, manage and deliver products and services.

  • Manage, train and develop our employees.

  • To undertake administrative, marketing (including direct marketing) promotional activities as well as planning future requirements.

  • As required or permitted by law, including the Privacy Act.

How we use cookies

Aesthetics By Design Perth use cookies which are small files that request permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added to the hard drive and used to help analyse web traffic or to let you know when you visit a particular site. These tracking technologies enable Aesthetics By Design Perth to monitor the Aesthetics By Design Perth website, and to record how many people are using the different sections of the site. 

Analysing the data about webpage traffic enables us to improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. The information is only used for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer, or any information about you, other than what you choose to share with us. There is an option to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but this can be changed by modifying your browser settings. Declining cookies may limit the services provided by the Aesthetics By Design Perth website.

Using and disclosing your personal information

Aesthetics By Design Perth may employ other companies or service providers to aid us in providing our services, including (but not limited to) market research, marketing, hosting and product development services, analysis of client lists and/or consulting services. Third parties may have access to personal information required to perform their specific functions however third party providers may not use the information for any other purposes.

Aesthetics By Design Perth may disclose personal information where we reasonably believe that a failure to disclose such information places a client or another person at a health or safety risk. This may include the disclosure of client information in connection with law enforcement, government investigations or to enforce compliance with the policies governing medical cosmetic practises.

Contact by us

Advertising material will not be sent without obtaining prior consent. If an individual receives communication from Aesthetics By Design Perth salons and they do not wish to receive further communications, they will be able to cease and remove themselves from the marketing database by an opt out process.

Storage and Security of Personal and or sensitive information

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect. Aesthetics By Design Perth employees and contractors are obligated to respect the confidentiality of any personal and/or sensitive information that is held by Aesthetics By Design Perth. Information will only be disclosed to third parties where they have the appropriate authority. Information that we no longer need or are no longer required by law to keep, will be destroyed or de identified wherever possible.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to websites of other companies and organisations. Once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. 


Aesthetics By Design Perth’s information handling practises and Privacy Policy will be monitored, and if deemed necessary revised from time to time. All amendments will be communicated via an updated posting to this website.

Problems, Queries or Complaints

If you are concerned that this Privacy Policy may have been breached or wish to make a complaint about the steps taken by Aesthetics By Design Perth to protect your personal information or privacy, please contact your local salon. All complaints received in writing will be investigated and we will do our best to resolve them as quickly as possible.